
Welcome to the global Laboratory.

A GLOBAL ONLINE SPIRITUAL technical support community


 YOUR LOCAL EMPIRICAL CHURCHES, OR EMPIRICAL MOSQUES, OR EMPIRICAL TEMPLES are considered to literally be the houses of God, and as such is not and cannot be limited to only worship, or only study, or only research but is and should be completely open to full functional service to the lord God almighty creator of the universe, by way of providing those services to and for God's children, in their search for, contemplation of, worship and praise of, study of, and research about and concerning God.

Our goals are simple and clear, and that is to find solutions to the problems which plague human kind,  and it is for this purpose that your local Empirical Church makes available the LABORATORY to manifest the possible potential creative genius of our people's young and or wise old minds.

   It is the purpose of your local Empirical Church to make science, it's study and enjoyment and usefulness in engineering a simple matter of weekly attendance at church, and involvement in local church science programs and projects.  An Empirical Church, can in this way be considered a miniature university, but with a bias and focus on religious studies, god based cosmology, and personal projects of the many individuals attending and making use of our local churches.


   The Global Network is an open network (forum)  for the public to ask questions of church leadership without having to provide names and contact information.
   Official Church members and recruits may also organize via this forums private discussion boards to work on internal global organizing.   (An invisible private Network)
    Feel free to contact us with any assistance you can provide in helping to build our network, or with any serious questions you may have.  Just follow the link to the Global Network, and read the login section and use our Guest feature to ask anything you wish.  Leadership will respond as soon as possible.